What makes you stand out from others in your field?

The combination of mundane and magic. You are not going to find another accounting firm that leads with magic. I incorporate a lot of mindset work and other “woo” parts of my personality into my business. Initially I worried that it would be a turn-off, but a lot of people are really drawn to that human element. I believe the work I do as a business coach is more effective when I draw on all the tools in my toolbox. Combining traditional business skills and mindset work can be incredibly powerful.

What drives you to keep working hard each day?

I don’t. Working hard is one of the mindset issues I had to give up. People believe that you have to work hard to be worthy as a person. But I try to make things easy. I don’t need to work hard to prove my worth. I’m worthy just by existing. What keeps me working (not hard) is my impact goal. I want to touch 5 million lives. The look on someone’s face when they have that moment where it all clicks when they discover their inherent worth — that’s what keeps me coming back day after day. I want to share that moment with more and more people.

What exciting projects are on the horizon for you?

I’m looking at what I love about my business and what I want to change. With that, I completed my breathwork certification and my Human Design certification. Human Design is another modality like Enneagram or Myers-Briggs that offers insights into who a person is. What makes it unique is that it also shows your highest version of yourself that you’re designed to be. I’ve been working with Human Design with clients privately, and now I’m releasing a public workshop to have an even greater impact. It’s really powerful work. I can’t wait to share it!

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