One of the last case-study from Liran Mizrahi, Social Media Manager and Social Consultant for VIP, was about the interactions with the fans of your page.

Liran explained, you can simply post your images, but we’ve observed that success comes when you’re proactive.

Invite your followers to interact with your content.

A good way to drive engagement is by using interactive content. Interactive content engages your audience more, increases click-throughs, and provides more opportunities to educate and delight your network.

  • Create any type of action that stimulates user engagement with your content, so that it triggers the algorithm that will consequently allow your content to reach as many people as possible .

For this purpose, you can use open or closed questions, ask people to respond to a survey or ask yourself one thing about Instagram stories.

  • Envision each of your posts as an opportunity to interact with your followers. Give your fans something to do and watch as interactions increase like wildfire.

Of course, don’t misrepresent this advice – you shouldn’t simply ask for something for your followers to do for every post….

Instead, it becomes crucial to understand that you don’t have to ask them to buy one of your products every time, give out their email or share our account with everyone they know. It’s much more subtle what you’re asking for.

You have to ask your followers for something that makes them fulfilled in doing it or reaffirms their values or goals.

You can get up to 300% more interaction with this method than just posting.

Every post is an opportunity to create interactions, increase conversions, and engage with your community.

  • Publishing your content must compel users to do more than simply “digest” a photo.
  • For explosive growth, users must push themselves to share your content.
  • Every element of your post on Instagram should offer the ability to drive interactions and build your network.
  • Interactive content helps you increase engagement rates

According to Forrester, Instagram engagement as measured by likes, shares and consumer comments is 10 times higher than facebook, 54 times higher than pinterest and 84 times higher than twitter.

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Topics #drive interactions #followers #Liran Mizrahi