Brisbane is a world of art, culture, heritage, and bustling city life–all under the most beautiful violet skies. While the first things that come to mind are the city’s vineyards and beaches and traditional Jagera homes, there is no doubt that the magic touch of modernity shows itself in sky-high glass-and-steel towers around the perimeter of Brisbane river. With a population of over 2 million people of all ages, Brisbane is fully equipped with all the essentials, from shopping centres to health and dental care hubs, so you never have to worry about a missing tooth or two. 

Speaking of teeth–it is one of the most neglected avenues of health care. Most people skip out on visits to the dentist until obvious signs of pain or decay start to show up. As a result, 25% of Australian children have some form of tooth decay by the time they turn 5, while 4% of people over 15 no longer have any natural teeth. Before things get too late, you may want to start addressing any form of dental concern–especially missing teeth. With plenty of options ranging from full denture implants to Partial Denture Implants Brisbane, here is a run-down of the best options for you. 

Denture Implants 

One of the most popular options to address missing or no teeth is a denture implant. Essentially, an implant is a custom-made mould of your teeth to perfectly fit the size and shape of your mouth and gums. They are natural-looking, and due to technological advancements, are significantly more durable than removable dentures. While 30 is often the minimum age to qualify for dentures due to tooth decay, an accident, physical trauma, or acid reflux can trigger permanent tooth loss among younger patients. There is nothing wrong with getting dentures at 18! 

There are two types of denture implants: full and partial. Generally, if your tooth loss covers the entire arch of your upper or lower teeth, you can restore all of them to function normally with a full implant. If you have a couple of teeth remaining, they can be pulled to make room for a full denture. On the other hand, if you are only missing a small portion of your teeth, then Partial Denture Implants Brisbane is a better solution. It works similarly to a dental bridge, which uses your natural teeth to support the implants. It is always a good idea to keep your natural teeth when possible, so you can take this route when the majority of your teeth is still intact. 

Dental Bridge 

A bridge is an ideal solution for specific cases. For instance, if your missing tooth falls exactly between two healthy teeth, then they can be cut down and reattached with cement to support the replacement tooth in-between. However, this is a risky procedure as it intentionally damages healthy teeth to support the prosthetic tooth. Moreover, it requires fairly strong teeth to maintain the structure. Older or calcium-deficient individuals may not have the bone strength to support a dental bridge and may require implants as a last-resort solution. Bridges also do not last a lifetime, so they will have to be redone every ten years or so. Consult with a dental professional to see whether or not a dental bridge is the right solution for you. 

Missing teeth can impact your confidence and health, so take a step forward, visit your local, Brisbane-based dentist, and consult for the best solution to accommodate the severity of your tooth loss and other nuances. And if you still have some teeth remaining, remember to take a little better care of them and visit the dentist regularly! 

Topics #Missing Teeth #Partial Denture Implants Brisbane