The recent weeks have been a treat for skywatchers thanks to the different planets seen in the night sky.

The second and third most brightest celestial items in the sky will combine up late this week.

The sun, obviously, is the most brightest object in the sky. The moon is the second most brightest celestial object, and Venus is straightaway. The two will meet each other in the early morning sky on Sept. 13, 14 and 15.

To see the two, look toward the east before sunrise. On the off chance that you have great vision, you may even have the option to select them soon after the sun has risen because of how bright they are.

The waning moon will be above Venus on Sept. 13, and just to one side of Venus on the Sept. 14. On the fifteenth, the extremely meager moon will be below and to left of Venus. The new moon will happen on Sept. 17.

Neptune and the sun will be in opposition this week. This occasion will occur on Sept. 11 as the earth passes directly between the sun and Neptune.

The earth and Neptune will be at their nearest during this time, however Neptune is hard to see. Except if you have a telescope and binoculars, it won’t look like considerably more than a faint star.

During this time and this month, you’ll have an incredible perspective on the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper.

In the event that you look toward the northwest during the night, the Big Dipper will be anything but difficult to pick out. Search for the handle and the bowl, at that point utilize the two outer stars in the bowl to recognize the Little Dipper.

The outer stars point legitimately to the head of the handle of the Little Dipper. When you’ve discovered the handle, you’ll have the option to see the remainder of the dipper shape.

The handle of the Little Dipper is Polaris, otherwise called the North Star.

A week ago was the Corn Moon, the full moon in September.

Topics #Big Dipper #corn moon #Little Dipper #Moon #Moon And Venus light up the sky #Venus