The present Doodle observes Portugal’s National Day, or as it is known by the country’s local people: Dia de Camões, de Portugal e das Comunidades Portuguesas (“Day of Camões, Portugal, and the Portuguese Communities”).

June tenth recognizes the significant Portuguese writer Luís de Camões, author of the national epic sonnet distributed in 1572, Os Lusíadas.

Committed to the sixteenth century King Sebastian, Os Lusíadas lionized Portugal’s time of world exploration through its depiction of the nautical exchange course found to give entry to India by guide Vasco da Gama.

Camões’ composing made him into such a permanent image of national pride, even the Portuguese language itself is once in a while alluded to by its epithet: “The Language of Camões.”

Alongside Camões sonnet, the pride of Portuguese investigation is likewise everlastingly embodied in the nation’s red and green banner, represented in the Doodle artwork.

At the convergence of the two hues lies the Portuguese emblem sitting on the foundation of a round astrolabe, an apparatus used by early voyagers, for example, Vasco da Gama to explore their sea ventures.

Feliz Dia de Portugal!

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