Unlike stock markets, the cryptocurrency market remains open all the time. Investors and traders who have tested these waters can be a testament to the feelings of unexpected elation or anguish when they witness a change in fortune overnight. Cryptocurrency, for a long time, has been a boon to experienced traders, whilst novices encounter setbacks as they cut through the learning curve. Thus, a sound automated and secured cryptocurrency trading system is certain to provide a natural launchpad to these traders to eliminate the risks as they acquire the strategies and principles of the trade. And that’s quite exactly what entrepreneur Rishab Bhatt’s Canadian bitcoin escrow service providing company, Coinsavr, facilitates.

The 20-year-old entrepreneur, Bhatt, established his automated and encrypted crypto escrow platform with the single-most aim of making crypto-currency trading easy to understand and use. The platform is designed in a way that every process leading to complete a transaction is automated, with minimal or no human intervention, without anyone stepping in, so as to keep the arrangement intact between the involved parties. Not only that, their intuitive layout helps the users get started instantly with their first transaction. Coinsavr comes with a range of features that not only make the transactions safe and secured but also help build trust amongst the online community. 

With perquisites like 100% encryption, time frame system, fully-featured bitcoin wallet, secure escrow system, feedback system, and a dispute system, Coinsavr has managed to stand out in the industry like no other. When asked what drove Bhatt to develop and launch a company like this, he said, “From a young age, I have always enjoyed learning about and checking out new technologies as they got introduced. This also often made me wonder how certain technologies were built, and evidently, coding seemed to be the main component in that. This gave birth to the idea of starting a safe, automated, and completely free bitcoin escrow, in a way, that the users’ data and information, too, is safe, while handling bitcoins.”

On days when Bhatt is not invested in the works of Coinsavr, he can be found focusing on advancing his free text and file sharing platform, Simple.Savr. For now, he is also involved in projects targeting to raise awareness of the global water crisis and working on a few tweaks in regards to iOS jailbroken devices. It’s interesting to witness how this young lad has already surpassed the cut-throat competition and managed to rise to the top in such a less time.

Topics #Entrepreneur #Rishab Bhatt