1. Adho Mukha Svanasana

The Sanskrit words mukha, which means “face,” asana, which means “posture,” and svana, which means “dog,” are the sources of the phrase. It denotes a downward-facing dog stance, for example. The position simulates the look of a dog bending forward. If done regularly, it has several health advantages. The nice thing is that even inexperienced users may soon get the hang of it.

2. Is Adho Mukha Svanasana Practiced by You?

Your muscles in your arms, legs, shoulders, and back, as well as your core, are strengthened by this posture. It also aids in the growth of a developing body’s height, enhances blood flow to the brain, relaxes the mind, and gets rid of tension, mental exhaustion, and insomnia. Additionally, by letting the stomach muscles contract, it enhances digestion. By extending the neck and cervical spine, it energizes the body and relieves tension. Attempting this stance will assist you in releasing any tension in your shoulders.

3. How to Perform Adho Mukha Svanasana

Assume a tabletop posture by placing your palms and knees on the ground. The hips cannot be higher than the knees. Just below the shoulders, position the palms in front of the knees. Lift your hips softly and extend your elbows and knees as you inhale. Your torso ought to resemble an inverted V.Your heels must touch the floor, your legs should be parallel to your hips, and your arms should be in line with your shoulders. Extend your neck till your ears meet your inner arms, press both palms to the ground, and open your shoulders. Return to the table pose by bending your knees and maintaining your concentration on the navel for a short while.

4. Precautions for Adho Mukha Svanasana Practice

Posing in this way can be harmful if your alignment is off. While elevating your hips and torso, do not strain. Keep your weight off of your arms. Distribute it equally between your hands and feet. Refrain from applying pressure to the ankle.

5. If You Have Any of These Medical Issues, Stay Away From This Asana

If you have high blood pressure or persistent inflammation, stay away from it. Steer clear of pregnancy. Before practicing, you must speak with your doctor if you take a lot of medicine.

Topics #Adho Mukha Svanasana #Health Benefits