iOS 18 is making Apple’s ecosystem of iPhone apps smarter.

Changes have been made to Messages, Mail, and Photos in the latest release. New animations that can be applied to a message as a whole, to individual phrases or emojis, or to the full text can improve texts delivered over iMessage. Even more cleverly, the app will recommend specific animations depending on the message’s context. Users can also send a satellite message and attach any emoji as a sticker (also known as a “tapback”) to an iMessage. iOS 18 supports RCS and allows iMessages to be scheduled for later delivery.

Similar to Gmail, Mail will soon have an automated sorting tool that divides emails into groups according to their context. Additionally, Mail can bundle related emails together (for example, emails about forthcoming trips or online orders), and it will try to prioritize certain emails by moving them to the top of the user’s inbox.

Finally, a number of clever features are being added to Photos to improve picture organization and sorting. Users will be able to use search terms to browse through their photo library, and the app will organize the images according to topics that are relevant to them (e.g., “pets” or a trip to a certain location). Additionally, a new Carousel has been added, which uses the app to identify significant photographs and prominently display them on the phone’s screen.

When iOS 18 is released later this year, it will come with these enhancements.

Topics #iOS 18 #Mail #Messages #New Features #Photos