It’s crucial to put our health and wellbeing first during the summer as the sun shines brighter and the temperature rises. During this season, one of the greatest methods to keep energized and refreshed is to include fruits high in vitamin C in our diet. These fruits are necessary for preserving vitality and savoring the season to the fullest because they enhance immunity, hydration, skin health, and digestion. These are a few well-known explanations for why these fruits, which are high in vitamin C, are a summertime essential.

1. Hydration and Refrigeration

During the hot summer months, it’s important to stay hydrated, and fruits high in vitamin C can help you reach your ideal hydration levels. Due to their high water content, many fruits high in vitamin C, such watermelon, pineapple, and citrus fruits, are great options for staying hydrated and cool on hot days. These fruits also include antioxidants and electrolytes, which help to keep the body hydrated and temperature stable.

2. Sun Protection and Skin Health

Summertime sun exposure can cause sunburn, dehydration, and early aging of the skin. Because it reduces inflammation, encourages the creation of collagen, and shields the skin from UV rays, vitamin C is essential for healthy skin. Fruits high in vitamin C can preserve the suppleness, brightness, and resilience of your skin, providing internal sun protection. Consuming fruits like guavas, papayas, and oranges can protect your skin from UV rays and leave it glowing.

3. Enhanced Digestion

Summertime is a time to enjoy picnics, outdoor grills, and delectable seasonal foods. However, rich and heavy foods might occasionally cause discomfort in the digestive system. Fruits high in vitamin C provide fiber and enzymes that help with digestion, encouraging regularity and avoiding bloating and constipation. You can maintain a healthy digestive system and make sure you can enjoy your favorite foods without experiencing any digestive issues by include fruits like kiwis, mangoes, and berries in your summer diet.

4. Vigor and Energy

Summertime’s heat and humidity might occasionally make you feel exhausted and depleted. Vitamin C is essential for energy metabolism because it helps the body turn food into energy and fights weariness. Fruits high in vitamin C provide you a natural energy boost that revitalizes your body and mind. Including fruits like strawberries, pineapples, and kiwis in your diet will help you stay energized and active throughout the summer, whether you’re enjoying outdoor activities or just relaxing by the pool.

5. When to Eat Fruits High in Vitamin C

It is not recommended to eat fruits high in vitamin C right before bedtime or when you wake up in the morning on an empty stomach. Their high citric acid content may make them acidic, which might result in discomfort like heartburn and restlessness. It’s also advisable to refrain from consuming sour fruits just after a meal. Citrus fruits are generally considered the finest for midday snacks, according to experts. For improved digestion, one can also eat them about 30 minutes before meals or wait an hour thereafter.

6. To What Extent is Vitamin C Recommended?

The recommended daily allowance of vitamin C for adults is around 90 mg for males and 75 mg for women. Thus, it is appropriate to consume 100–200 grams of citrus fruits every day. However, depending on the vitamin C content of the fruits ingested, the actual intake may differ. Thus, be careful not to consume too many fruits high in vitamin C.

Topics #summertime Fruits #Vitamin C